(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 3 - A great-grandson of Fascist dictator
Benito Mussolini has earned a place in the youth team of Roman
Serie A club Lazio.
Romano Floriani Mussolini, the 18-year-old son of rightwing
former MEP Alessandra Mussolini, plays as a fullback or central
defender for Lazio's Primavera squad.
The young man, who is in his last year at prestigious Rome
school for expats St George's British School, has earned his
place on merit, says Primavera coach Mauro Bianchessi.
"Surnames doesn't count for me, players play on merit," he said.
"he's a good lad, he was part of the squad before I arrived.
He's very good at school, he shows great intelligence". (ANSA).