(ANSAmed) - NAPLES, 23 AGO - Dubai will host 99 events international events in the coming years, hosting 77,000 people at its hotels, for approximately 330 thousand nights all together. This is the measure of success of Dubai, as highlighted by Gulf News that explains how Expo 2020 has launched the city in the international market for events, promoting the country's hospitality sector and the tourism.
"We were inspired- explains Ahmed Al Khaja, CEO of Dubai
Festivals and Retail Establishment - by our vision of turning
Dubai into the city of the future and the best place in the
world to live, work and invest. Events tied to international
business will remain key, connecting the tradition of Expo 2020
to Dubai's current international role".
Among the important events that chose the city of the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) are the venues of the World Confederation
for Physical Therapy (2023), IFOS ENT World Congress (2023),
Congress of the Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association (2024) and
the International Congress of Endocrinology (2024). In addition
there will be events by companies such as Sun Pharmaceuticals
Industries' Annual Convention and Incentive (2022) and the IBM
Best in Tech (2023). Dubai was the perfect hosting city for
approximately 200 conventions, explains Al Kaja: "The success of
our offers shows the strong positioning Dubai has with
associations, industries and other international organizations.
The city will be the center of the world debates on
international development and innovation". (ANSAmed).