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  2. ANSA English
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  4. Clashes in Tripoli, rival leaders blame each other

Clashes in Tripoli, rival leaders blame each other

Bashaga's attempt to enter capital fails

(ANSAmed) - TUNIS, AUGUST 29 - The two rival Prime Ministers in Libya, Abdel Hamid Dbeibah, recognized by the UN as legitimate and Fathi Bashaga, nominated by Parliament, both refused to accept responsibility for the fighting between armed groups. The clashes occurred last Saturday in the capital, Tripoli, causing 32 deaths and 159 wounded and raising the specter of outright war.
    In a speech published on the unity government's Facebook page, Dbeibah accused his rivals of being piloted by "foreign agents", calling them "criminals" and "putschist" who "carried out war in the capital with heavy weapons and tanks". "We will prosecute all those involved" in the violence, he stated while promising to transfer some of the sites of the armed groups outside the capital.
    On the other hand, Bashaga - who was filmed by Al Wasat- underlined his "usual renunciation of violence" and his "full compliance of the exercise of political rights only through peaceful means", accusing the rival premier of exploiting "state resources and capabilities" to support and create armed groups to reinforce his government and establish "a dictatorial regime, a tyrannical state that targets anyone who is against it".


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