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  2. ANSA English
  3. English Service
  4. Third ship involved in Moby Prince disaster -commission (3)

Third ship involved in Moby Prince disaster -commission (3)

Vessel caused disaster that claimed 140 lives

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 15 - A third ship caused the collision between the Moby Prince ferry and the Agip Abruzzo oil tanker off Livorno in 1991, according to the concluding report of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the disaster that claimed 140 lives and led to massive environmental damage "The Moby Prince collided with the Agip Abruzzo oil tanker because of the presence of a third ship that suddenly appeared before the ferry, provoking the left turn that caused the accident," the report said.
    It has not been possible to identify the third ship with certainty, said the report, which was approved unanimously.


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