Ambassador Riccardo Guariglia will be the new Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry in Rome, the Farnesina, majority sources said Thursday.
Guariglia, born in Chicago in 1961, is currently Italian
ambassador in Madrid, where the took up his post in May 2020.
He has previously been ambassador in Warsaw from 2011 to 2014,
then head of the diplomatic ceremonial department for the
Italian republic.
He was also cabinet chief for former foreign minister Enzo
Moavero Milanesi, from June 2018 to September 2019, during the
first government of ex-premier Giuseppe Conte.
He will replace at the Farnesina Ettore Francesco Sequi, who was
named foreign ministry secretary-general on May 12 2021 after
being, among other postings, Italian ambassador in Kabul and
Beijing and delegation chief in Albania.
He was also cabinet chief of former foreign ministers Federica
Mogherini, Paolo Gentiloni and Luigi Di Maio.