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CEI SEEMO awards in Investigative Journalism announced

CEI SEEMO awards in Investigative Journalism announced

Winners are Adrian Mogos, Dino Cviko, Giorgio Michalopoulos

BELGRADE, 09 novembre 2024, 10:36

Redazione ANSA



This year's CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism emphasised the importance of investigative journalism in revealing environmental, agricultural/food security, and health concerns.
    An international jury evaluated submissions based on topic relevance, reporting quality, and societal impact before choosing winners to be honoured at the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) in Podgorica, Montenegro, on November 27-28, 2024.
    Adrian Mogoş (Romania) won the "Professional journalists" category, while Dino Cviko (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Giorgio Michalopoulos (Italy) won the "Young Professional journalists" category jointly.
    Considering the outstanding quality of the candidates, the jury decided to assign special mentions to Taras Zozulinskyy (Ukraine) and Cornelia Cozonac (Moldova) from "Detectives," Elvin Luku (Albania) from MediaLook.

Saša Dragoljo (Serbia) from Balkan Insight/BIRN, Belgrade Jovana Georgievski (Serbia) from BBC News Serbian Ivana Milosavljević (Serbia) from the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia-CINS



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