"The European Commission's choice
Designating Gorizia, together with Nova Gorica, as the venue of
the annual Interreg event is a recognition based on two
elements: capacity of the regional administration to spend and
report on European funds; further enhancement of the centrality
of Gorizia, which with GO!2025 and its cross-border significance
takes on a role of absolute relevance at the international
level." This was said by Governor Massimiliano Fedriga in
relation to the three-day event (March 26, 27 and 28) to be held
Gorica and Nova Gorica, organized by the Region through the
Interreg Italy-Slovenia Territorial Cooperation Program and in
cooperation with the European Commission.
The event will be dedicated to the annual Interreg meeting
and will include plenary sessions, thematic meetings, workshops,
study visits and networking activities, with the participation
of delegates at the highest European institutional levels.
Fedriga explained the historical relevance of the border with
Slovenia and how much of what has been achieved so far to
strengthen European cohesion has catalyzed the interest of the
European Commission that "decided to choose our Interreg
Italy-Slovenia and its area to host its annual event in 2025 and
enshrine the start of reflections on the future
of post-2027 cooperation."
For her part, Regional Finance Councillor Barbara Zilli
reiterated that "our border region is a natural laboratory for
collaboration, where cooperation is not only an opportunity to
address common challenges, from innovation to sustainable
development, but a necessity
daily socio-economic integration and mobility.
Just to mention the Interreg we share with Slovenia," he said, "from 2000 to the present, we have been able to touch upon the results achieved by the implementation of more than 700 cross-border projects, thanks to the 'commitment of more than 2,600 beneficiaries and the absorption of 305 million euros of ERDF funds.
Currently, with the Interreg Italy-Slovenia program,
we are the first in Europe in terms of fund utilization, with a
percentage of
99 percent."
The program includes on March 26 the arrival of the delegates
of the European Commission, Italian and Slovenian institutional
representatives and Cooperation Programs. In the afternoon, at
the university on Via d'Alviano, the following will take place.
The Interreg GO! - Youth Event, dedicated to young people, with
over a hundred participants from all over Europe and a speech by
Councillor Barbara Zilli. In parallel, in cooperation with Gect
GO, study visits to Gorizia and an excursion to Mount Sabotino
are planned as part of the Walkofpeace project. March 27 will be
devoted to presenting the results of consultations on future
cooperation, with proceedings at the Verdi Theater and an
international press conference at Trgovski Dom. In the evening,
35 years of Interreg will be celebrated at the Gorizian
Gymnastics Union. March 28 will offer networking opportunities
for some 300 representatives of the 86 European Cooperation
Programs. The morning, at the Verdi Theater, will be devoted to
sharing best practices, while the afternoon will feature six
thematic sessions between Gorizia and Nova Gorica, followed by
visits to projects funded by Interreg Italy-Slovenia. The topics
covered will include tourism and culture, cross-border
cooperation, risk management, research funding, water resilience
and health.