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Interreg Italy-Croatia, 92 projects funded with 236m euros

Interreg Italy-Croatia, 92 projects funded with 236m euros

In Zadar, focus on the results achieved in the past seven years

TRIESTE, 19 ottobre 2023, 14:35

Redazione ANSA



In Zadar, the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme celebrated the successful implementation of 92 projects, backed by a substantial investment of 236.8 million euros during the 2014-2020 programming period.

These projects were thoughtfully divided into four priority axes, each directed toward achieving seven specific objectives, all with the overarching aim of driving prosperity and blue growth in the coastal areas of both nations, strategically benefitting 25 Italian provinces and 8 Croatian counties along the Adriatic Sea.
    The Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme prepared an extraordinary two-day event to celebrate the results and delve into the outcomes and impact of the 92 projects.

Among the speakers were Josip Faričić, Dean of the University of Zadar, and Oliver Baudelet, representing the European Commission - DG Regio.
    Federico Caner, serving as the Councillor of Veneto Region for EU Funds, underscored the significance of regional engagement. The Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Šime Erlić, offered insights from a national perspective, emphasizing the impact and importance of the program within Croatia.
    The Programme managed to reach a total target group of more than 65 million people, small and medium-sized enterprises (more than 3,400), associations (more than 430), and universities and research bodies (more than 1,600).
    The event also highlighted the achievements of Italian and Croatian schools that actively monitored cross-border cooperation activities during the 2022-23 school year.
    Prizes were awarded to the classes that participated in the ASOC ETC (European Territorial Cooperation) Italy-Croatia educational pathway, which saw Italian and Croatian schools working together in the 2022-2023 school year to conduct civic monitoring research according to the established ASOC model.
    The winning pair turned out to be the one formed by the CAscadeR1 team, composed of the Liceo Scientifico "Carlo Cafiero" in Barletta and Prva riječka hrvatska gimnazija in Rijeka, which monitored the Cascade project.



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