(ANSA) - Rome, December 18 - The Italian judiciary's self-governing body on Wednesday denounced three-time premier Silvio Berlusconi for "undermining democracy" in his frequent attacks against it regarding his legal entanglements. Accusing the the judiciary of having "subversive ends is shamelessly devoid of all foundation," said the CSM. "Denigrating it in such a way is unacceptable, undermining the principles that uphold democratic coexistence". Berlusconi, who last month was ejected from the Senate following a binding tax-fraud conviction in the supreme Cassation Court, has made numerous accusations of political bias against him from allegedly left-wing magistrates. Most recently, the center-right leader has equated his ouster from parliament to "a coup d'état". On Monday, President Giorgio Napolitano, who is also the titular head of the CSM, chided Berlusconi for invoking "imaginary coups".