One in three prisoners in Italy's
penitentiary system is non-Italian, a percentage that is higher
than the European average of 21%, according to a report by the
Antigone Association released on Friday.
The percentage of foreign prisoners has dropped to 33.4%
from a peak in 2009 when it stood at 37.1%, the report said.
It said 70% of foreign prisoners have less than three years
left to serve on their sentences.
The five nationalities most represented in the Italian
prison system are: Moroccan (16.9% of foreign prisoners),
Romanian (15.9%), Albanian (13.8%), Tunisian (11%), and Nigerian
(3.9%), according to the report.
Of Italian prisoners, the report said the highest
percentage come from regions in the country's south: Campania
(18.5%), Sicily (12%), and Puglia (7.1%).