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'Brandizzo worker posted on Whatsapp right before crash'

'Brandizzo worker posted on Whatsapp right before crash'

Ivrea prosecutors investigating deadly incident

ROME, 04 September 2024, 12:55

ANSA English Desk



The Italian rail company RFI employee responsible for a worksite at the station of Brandizzo near Turin on the night of August 30 last year was posting on social media four minutes before a train travelling at a speed of 157 km per hour ran over and killed five workmen in his team working on the tracks, an RFI security chief has told prosecutors in Ivrea investigating the deadly incident, according to reports published Wednesday.
    The reports published by the local editions of Corriere della Sera and Repubblica said the employee in charge of the site, Antonio Massa, was updating his WhatsApp status and posted a link to a Facebook article four minutes before, at 23:49, the train ran over and killed Kevin Laganà, Michael Zanera, Giuseppe Sorvillo, Giuseppe Aversa and Giuseppe Saverio Lombardo.
    Massa, one of two survivors in the incident, is being probed by Ivrea prosecutors on charges pf murder due to gross negligence.
    The other survivor, a foreman of the team of workers employed by a contractor, is also under investigation.


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