Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti
on Friday said the government "cut taxes", speaking via video
link at an event organized by Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers
of Italy (FdI) party titled 'Making Italy grow together'.
Giorgetti also said "we did it", referring to tax cuts and "now
we will make them structural - we answer with facts".
"I was a member of the opposition for many years, it's great to
be in the opposition, but those in government have the
responsibility of doing things", said Giorgetti, responding to
criticism from the opposition after he said the 2025 budget
would require sacrifices from everyone and implied that new
taxes would be levied on business profits and personal incomes.
Giorgetti, who said the draft budget law will be presented to
the Lower House on October 20, went on to explain that a
statement he made earlier this month about the budget law
requiring "sacrifices" had been misunderstood.
"In front of a meeting of bankers and financiers, I said
everybody needed to make sacrifices, including them", referring
to a speech he gave at Bloomberg's event Future of Finance
Italy, in which he said "we will be approving a budget that will
require sacrifices from everyone".
"It didn't seem to me like blasphemy", he noted.
He said the budget law would include "touching up the income,
between quotes for those who deserve it, but you will see that
physical people and companies have nothing to fear".