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Pediatricians arrested for pushing powdered milk on mums

Pediatricians arrested for pushing powdered milk on mums

Police say lavish gifts from sales reps of artificial baby food

Pisa, 21 November 2014, 13:16

ANSA Editorial


Police arrested 12 pediatricians Friday who alleged received expensive gifts and trips in exchange for encouraging new mothers to buy powdered products rather than feeding their babies with their own milk.
    After some 26 raids across four regions of Italy, an executive and five sales representatives were also arrested and face corruption charges in what police say was an organized ring to mislead moms and promote artificial milk.
    Raids were carried out in Tuscany, Lombardy, Marche and Liguria regions as investigators probed allegations that a company gave lavish gifts to pediatricians including smartphones, computers, air conditioners, and televisions as well as expensive trips to the United States, Paris, London, Istanbul and cruises in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Among the dozen pediatricians arrested were two hospital department heads and the investigation continues, police said at a news conference.


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