The fight against mafia organisations
is the task and duty of all those who love the Italian Republic,
said President Sergio Mattarella in a message for the Day of
Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of
the Mafia on Thursday.
"Having been born in civil society and evolved thanks to the
values it carries, the 'National Day of Memory and Commitment in
Remembrance of the Victims of the Mafia' is a significant
anniversary for the national community," said Mattarella.
It is, he continued, "a day that underlines the commitment to
liberate populations and territories from mafia organizations
(and) to overcome the indifference and resignation that always
benefit criminal groups".
"When we defend the dignity of being free citizens, when we
rebel against violence and injustice, when we do not look the
other way when faced with abuse, we contribute to the fight
against mafia organisations," added the head of state, saying
the reading of the names of innocent victims "is an act that
reunites us with those who have paid with their lives for mafia
inhumanity and a sign of closeness to their families". as well
as a "strong, collective expression of that desire for justice
that constitutes the vital energy of a democracy".
Mattarella called on the institutions to "do their duty to
fight, on every level, criminal organisations", while also
saying the action of citizens and social forces is "co-essential
to build and spread the culture of legality and freedom".
"Mafia organizations are a heavy burden for Italy in the way
they have insinuated themselves into every illegal activity of
criminal trafficking," he continued.
"The Day reminds us that the fight against mafia organizations
is the task and duty of all those who love the Republic and want
to give it a better future," he concluded.