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Interior min raises anti-terror surveillance after Moscow

Interior min raises anti-terror surveillance after Moscow

Monitoring also on the web

ROME, 25 March 2024, 13:28

ANSA English Desk



The National Committee for Public Order and Security on Monday decided to strengthen anti-terrorism monitoring in Italy in the wake of Friday's terror attack claimed by Islamic State at a concert hall in Moscow in which 137 people were killed.
    During a meeting at the interior ministry the committee reportedly agreed on "the importance of continuing the careful monitoring activity, also on the web, by the police and intelligence forces for the identification of possible risk situations on the national territory".
    The members are said to have carried out "a careful analysis of the terrorist attack in Moscow", "also with a view to updating the anti-terrorism prevention measures already in place".
    In particular, surveillance and control activities are to be intensified in view of the Easter holidays, focusing particularly on places where people gather and transit and on sensitive sites.
    On Sunday Cabinet Secretary Alfredo Mantovano said the main terrorist threat Italy faces at the moment comes from lone wolves rather than organized groups like the one that staged Friday's attack in Moscow.
    "The threat is not so much that of organised groups. I believe that a group like the one that acted in the Moscow attack, which must have been trained and had logistical support, would be intercepted sooner in Italy," Mantovano told Rai television.
    "The most worrying threat is online recruitment.
    "The risk of self-activation by lone wolves? Yes, as has happened in other European states".
    "Italy has always maintained constant attention to the threat of terrorism on many fronts," he added.


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