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Michelangelo did a Last Judgement on canvas - expert

Michelangelo did a Last Judgement on canvas - expert

Amel Olivares presents conclusions after eight years of research

ROME, 14 May 2024, 15:21

ANSA English Desk



Michelangelo did a much smaller oil-on-canvas version of his epic Sistine Chapel wall fresco, the Last Judgement, Renaissance art expert Amel Olivares said Tuesday ahead of the presentation of eight years of research on a painting kept in Geneva.
    "It's a small Last Judgement with Christ the Judge and the other figures of the celebrated fresco that one can admire in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo Buonarroti in oil on canvas, the only example of the master using this technique," said Olivares, who did the research with another art historian, Monsignor José Manuel del Rio Carrasco.
    Olivares believes that Michelangelo gave the Geneva Last Judgement, trace of which were lost for over 100 years, to the artist Alessandro Allori, who used it as a model for his work in Florence's Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata.
    He said the work, which is 96.52cm x 81,28 cm and is in excellent condition, features several of the aspects of the Sistine Chapel fresco, such as the "audacious" depiction of Christ without a beard.
    It has changed hands many times over the centuries and was restored in 2015 by Antonio Casciani.
    Olivares gave ANSA a sneak preview of his findings before presenting them at the Foreign Press Association in Rome.


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