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Legacoop in Vietnam with 'YouCool' digitisation project

Legacoop in Vietnam with 'YouCool' digitisation project

Focused on the coffee supply chain

19 September 2024, 12:11

ANSA English Desk



The project 'Youth in Cooperatives as Key Drivers of Digital Transformation in Local Communities - YOUCOOL', implemented by Legacoop, through Haliéus, its structure for international cooperation, in collaboration with the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, and with the support of the International Cooperative Alliance for Asia and the Pacific, the ILO office in Vietnam, DRGV Germany, and Agriterra Vietnam, was presented on Wednesday in Hanoi, in the presence of the Italian Ambassador to Vietnam Marco della Seta. Funded by the European Union with approximately EUR 625,000, the project, involving 25 Vietnamese provinces, aims to improve the role of social organisations in promoting e-skills and raising awareness among young people over a three-year period in order to accelerate the complete digital transformation. The participation of young people in cooperative governance and development, digital education and the digitisation process of cooperatives is the focus of the project, centred on the coffee chain, to share successful models with the youth cooperative network in Italy and around the world. The event was attended by the Head of the European Union Delegation in Vietnam, Julien Guerrier, the President of the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, Cao Xuan Thu Van, the President of Haliéus and Head of the International Office of Legacoop, Francesca Ottolenghi, as well as representatives of the relevant ministries and the main Vietnamese cooperatives.


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