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In a book, the Italian sign in the architecture of Belém

In a book, the Italian sign in the architecture of Belém

Tourism Minister Santanchè also at the presentation

20 September 2024, 20:24

ANSA English Desk



As part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Italian immigration to Brazil, and in the presence of the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, the Italian Embassy presented the book 'Santa Maria del Mar Dolce. Italian architects and artists-decorators - from the 18th to the 20th century'.
    The event held at the Palacete Faciola was opened by Santanché herself - who was in town for the G20 ministerial meeting on Tourism - together with Ambassador Alessandro Cortese.
    After a welcome speech by the mayor of Belém, Edmilson Rodrigues, the minister emphasised the importance of the initiative in her speech. 'Today's presentation,' she said, 'is not only a valorisation of the past, but also a fundamental step to encourage the creation of new connections between peoples, based on history, but with an eye to the future. This means planting the seeds for the development of quality, sustainable tourism that promotes mutual understanding and the search for cultural roots'.
    For his part, Ambassador Cortese hoped that 'thanks to this work, we can rediscover not only the beauty of Belém, but also our history, our transoceanic journeys and our rich cultural exchanges'.
    The work, edited by Professor Jussara Derenji, Director of the Museum of the Federal University of Pará, is a valuable publication that traces the historical contribution of renowned Italian artists, architects and decorators in the city of Belém. In its 270 trilingual (Portuguese, Italian and English) pages, the book explores the influence of Italian masters on the architecture and art of the Pará capital from the 18th century onwards, highlighting figures such as Giuseppe Antonio Landi, Filinto Santoro and Gino Coppedè.


Not to be missed


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