Premier Giorgia Meloni said Wednesday that Italy confirmed its status as a central player on the international arena under her new government at the G20 in Indonesia, citing the fact that she had not had time for all the bilateral meetings requested of her on the sidelines of the summit.
"I confess that I wasn't able to organize all the bilateral
meetings requested of Italy," she told a press conference at the
end of the summit.
"I believe that a decisive element is the idea there is a solid,
stable government projected towards the long term, which makes
it easier to imagine Italy as being fundamental for relations".
Meloni, who was sworn in as Italy's first woman premier last
month, added that the nation could consider itself at the fore
when it comes to equality as she was the only female head of
government at the 41-strong summit table, and one of only four
women taking part.
"Italy was a lead player at the G20," she said
"There was a lot of attention and curiosity about us, certainly
in part because Italy was the only nation with a female head of
"Our country was lagging behind on the issue of equality, now we
are at the forefront, and this is pleasing".
She hailed the G20 as a success, adding this was far from being
a sure thing when the summit began.
"The situation was very complex," Meloni told the press
"The ingredients were there for the G20 to be a failure, but it
was a success.
"The most complex issue was the management of Russian aggression
against Ukraine".
The summit statement said the majority of G20 States condemned
Russia's attack on Ukraine.
"This summit was also an opportunity to fight the narrative that
it is the 'West against the rest of the world'," she said.
"That was the reason why Italy focused a great deal on bilateral
dialogue with nations that it is not so easy to meet with".