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Anti-gay general's views 'are heart of FdI' says Green chief

Anti-gay general's views 'are heart of FdI' says Green chief

That's why Donzelli's defending him, not for freedom of thought

ROME, 20 August 2023, 14:28

Redazione ANSA




The openly homophobic, racist, misogynistic and anti-environmentalist views voiced by an Italian army general in a self-published book for which he has been sacked also lie at the heart of Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, Green and Left Alliance co-spokesman Angelo Bonelli said after FdI coordinator Giovanni Donzelli defended the general's Constitutional rights to free speech on Sunday.
    "Freedom of opinion has nothing to do with General (Roberto) Vannacci's book: the fact that an army general should talk of gays as people who aren't normal, or that people are going too far in defending Jews and all the history of the Shoah, or that saying sh*ty Jew is normal, has everything to do with our Constitution and with the Mancino Law (against reconstituting the Fascist party), and not with freedom of thought," said Bonelli, a historic Green leader.
    "Donzelli isn't speaking for himself only: he is the coordinator of FdI and therefore he is speaking for Giorgia Meloni.
    "Just as Vannacci, as a general, represents the army. Donzelli is trying to give us a lecture on freedom of thought by defending the general, and this has nothing to do with freedom of thought but rather with Article 3 of our Constitution (which states: "All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions").
    Bonelli said that Galeazzo Bignami, another FdI member and deputy transport minister, and Donzelli were defending Vannacci "because his positions represent the heart of what Brothers of Italy has always been and what is has built its electoral consensus on.
    "In a normal country we would not have Bignami in government and Donzelli as Meloni's deputy.
    "In the United States, Eric Fanning, an out gay, was the head of the army, but for Donzelli it is freedom of thought to says sh*ty Jew, abnormal homosexuals and all Vannacci's other discriminatory insults "What dies Meloni have to say, does she think the sme as her deputy Donzelli? "Brothers of Italy is ever more similar to Alternative for Germany (AfD), that party which (late Silvio Berlusconi's) centre right Forza Italia party would be disgusted to have as an ally in (next year's) European elections."


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