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Salvini calls for climate protestors to be jailed

Salvini calls for climate protestors to be jailed

Ultima Generazione blocked traffic on Turin-Milan motorway

ROME, 19 October 2023, 13:16

Redazione ANSA




Deputy Premier and Transport and Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini on Thursday called for stiffer penalties, including jail, for protesters engaged in acts of civil disobedience to highlight the need to address the climate crisis.
    The League leader made the call after members of the Ultima Generazione (UG - Last Generation) group blocked traffic in both directions on the Turin-Milan motorway on Thursday, causing major disruption.
    "Eco-imbeciles!!!" Salvini said via X.
    "Gluing yourself to the asphalt and stopping one of Italy's most important motorways, creating problems for workers and students and damaging the environment and trade, is a criminal act.
    "For this reason, the League is committed to pursuing its proposal to increase the penalties - with heavy fines, jail and arrest when caught in the act - to the cretins who block roads to the detriment of thousands of innocent citizens. Enough!".
    The UG protestors held up a banner calling for a "Reparation Fund" of 20 billion euros to be set up to help people suffering the effects of the climate crisis, such as the communities devastated by the deadly floods that hit Emilia Romagna in May.


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