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Milan airport to be named after Berlusconi, Salvini confirms

Milan airport to be named after Berlusconi, Salvini confirms

Sala should focus on Milan's crime issues says League chief

ROME, 09 July 2024, 14:04

ANSA English Desk



Transport Minister Matteo Salvini confirmed Tuesday that Milan's Malpensa Airport will be named after late three-time ex premier an media mogul Silvio Berlusconi.
    Milan's centre left Mayor Giuseppe Sala and leftwing parties have complained about Salvini's decision saying Berlusconi, who died in June last year aged 86, was and still is a divisive figure.
    "The Left is going made because we kept our promise to dedicate Malpensa Aiport to Silvio Berlusconi,a great man, a great Italian, who created hundreds of thousands of jobs," said Salvini, whose rightwing League party is a long-time ally of Berlusconi's centre right Forza Italia (FI) party.
    "There isn't anyone on the Left who is worth a tenth of what Silvio Berlusconi is worth. We wont' stop in the face of insults, attacks and slurs," said Salvini.
    He said Sala should focus on solving Milan's problems with potholes, urban decorum and rising levels of crime and insecurity, among other things.


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