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Italy not isolated in EU, Fitto to get weighty post-Meloni

Italy not isolated in EU, Fitto to get weighty post-Meloni

We're making history, can't afford slip-ups, PM tells FdI

ROME, 04 September 2024, 14:01

ANSA English Desk



Italy is not isolated in the EU and European Affairs Minister Raffaele Fitto will get a "weighty" role like his rumoured future post as European Commission vice president for the economy with a brief on the post-COVID Recovery Plan, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the executive of her rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, of which Fitto is a heavyweight, on Wednesday.
    She also said that FdI was "making history" at the helm of Italy0's government and could not afford any "slip-ups".
    Meloni said: "A concept that is totally alien to all those who have been criticising us...for having 'isolated Italy in Europe': a narrative that I count on disproving not only by continuing to collaborate fruitfully with Ursula von der Leyen on the most important dossiers for Italy, but also by succeeding in obtaining for our Commissioner-designate, Raffaele Fitto, a role and a portfolio commensurate with the weight of our nation.
    "It would be confirmation that we are right when we say that Europe should give Italy its due for the role it has, not for how it votes.
    "And that you are respected if you are credible, not if you are compliant'.
    FdI voted against Von der Leyen's confirmation as EC chief after Meloni was irked her European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group was left out of talks on top EU jobs.


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