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ANSA/On the Vespucci, deep dive into memories in crew's log

ANSA/On the Vespucci, deep dive into memories in crew's log

Photo albums tell story of iconic Navy sailing ship

ABOARD VESPUCCI SHIP, 23 December 2024, 18:08

ANSA English Desk



(by correspondent Domenico Palesse) Being a sailor is a life choice.
    No one is self-sufficient, everyone serves someone. It is the very essence of the crew, of that team that shares tasks and duties every day, but also joys and smiles.
    A sense of brotherhood amplified by the daily routine of navigation, where everyone is part of something, where the ship is their home and their traveling companions are their family.
    And the Amerigo Vespucci, the 'lady of the seas', is no different. On the contrary.
    The officers' wardroom jealously guards an endless logbook, made up of photos and memories, dates and thoughts.
    A series of albums that retrace the history of the Vespucci through the eyes of its crew, during its trips ashore or during its most exciting moments.
    Each book is a dive into the past, each photo is a memory of an experience done very closely together.
    From the traditional shots in front of the most famous monuments in the world, to evenings together at the restaurant. From official ceremonies in port, to selfies on board the ship.
    The cover of the latest album is blue. The first photo is of Marseille, dated July 4, 2023, just three days after the departure of the second world tour in the 93 years of the Vespucci. Just below is Las Palmas and then Cape Verde.
    In every port, in every city, the crew never fails to smile in front of the camera lens.
    They are photos often without uniform, in free time, without ranks or uniform.
    Young men and women discovering the world, between gastronomic challenges and evenings at the restaurant.
    There are the "champions" who have crossed Cape Horn and the Patagonian canals, but also the winners of a dance competition or an impromptu foot race.
    Jokes and teasing like you do among friends, unlikely photomontages and laughter.
    The same ones that infect those who are immortalized in those photos and who, in front of the images, still get excited.
    The journey is still long and the empty pages are still many. A few months and that book with the blue cover will end up next to the previous ones, with new images and new emotions to leave as a legacy to the next members of the next crew, to wish them a sincere and friendly "fair wind".


Not to be missed


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