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Increase in radical propaganda in the Balkans: report

Increase in radical propaganda in the Balkans: report

Terrorists infiltrating migration routes a "potential threat"

BELGRADE, 14 giugno 2023, 16:00

Redazione ANSA



According to Europol's European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2023, a number of Balkan states saw an increase in the dissemination and consumption of online radical Islamist propaganda in 2022. "As in the rest of Europe, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter and Signal continued to be the main channels for the dissemination of propaganda. "Recruitment continues to take place both online and in informal religious buildings, as well as in correctional facilities," according to the report, released today.

There are no significant terrorist or violent extremist groups in the Western Balkans. In most cases, radicalised individuals or small local groups with 10 to 20 members are present. These groups are not hierarchical, but are led by individuals recognised by group members as religious 'authorities,' and are linked to similar groups in the region and in EU Member States, including Austria, Germany, and Luxembourg. Online communications maintain international connections.

The return of foreign fighters from Syria and Iraq to Western Balkan countries remains a major security challenge. Because of the greater number of foreign fighters originating in these countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are particularly vulnerable. Terrorists infiltrating migration routes from conflict zones through Western Balkan countries to the EU are another "potential threat.

Finally, in the region, the threat posed by released terrorist convicts, as well as radicalisation within prisons, is significant.

However, "no terrorist acts took place in any of the countries in the Western Balkan region in 2022. Nevertheless, the complexity of identity and religious issues, as well as socio- economic conditions and a high unemployment rate, could continue to act as push factors for radicalisation in the region," the report notes.

The report is based on information provided to Europol by EU Member States about terrorist attacks and arrests in the European Union.


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