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'Draco Malfoy' says 'Risen' film brought him closer to Jesus

'Draco Malfoy' says 'Risen' film brought him closer to Jesus

Harry Potter actor plays a legionary investigating Jesus' death

Giffoni Valle Piana, 22 July 2015, 18:12

ANSA Editorial




Tom Felton, the actor who is famous for portraying Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, told journalists at the Giffoni film festival how his latest film Risen had brought him closer to Christianity.
    Kevin Reynolds' Risen, which is due out in the U.S. in January 2016, focuses on the biblical story of Jesus Christ's resurrection following his crucifixion. "It's a detective story about Jesus," Felton said. "I grew up an Anglican, but I have always been more on the side of science, I considered myself an agnostic. After the film I changed however, I started to think about the influence of the sacred scriptures on people's lives," he said.
    In the film, a Roman Centurion is asked to inquire into rumors of Jesus' resurrection and to find his missing body.
    Felton plays a legionary investigating Jesus' death.
    "The director based as much as possible on historical documents, even the dialogues," Felton said. "I didn't know that at that time in the Roman empire someone popped up every week claiming to be a messiah, with thousands of followers. Jesus proved to be more difficult for the Romans to defeat, and in fact we still talk about him to this day," Felton said.


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