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Madonna sings 'Bella Ciao' at 63rd birthday revel in Puglia

Madonna sings 'Bella Ciao' at 63rd birthday revel in Puglia

Singer posts Modugno classic amid week-long revel

BARI, 23 August 2021, 16:37

Redazione ANSA




US pop legend Madonna sang the iconic WWII Resistance ditty 'Bella Ciao' as she continued her week-long 63rd birthday celebrations in her much-loved Puglia region on Thurday night, sources said Friday.
    The singer, born Madonna Lousie Ciccone and whose paternal grandparents came from Pacentro near L'Aquila in Abruzzo, turned 63 on Monday and has been coming to the heel of Italy for several years.
    This summer she came to the 'white city' of Ostuni with her 26-year-old dancer boyfriend Ahlamalik Williams, her children and a large staff.
    While singing Bella Ciao she accompanied herself on the local tambourine, the tamburello, with famed Puglia tarantella outfit I Terraross.
    Madonna posted pictures of the birthday party on Instagram choosing Domenico Modugno's immortal 'Nel blu dipinto di blu' as her backing track.
    The party dined on local pasta speciality orecchiette, and friselle biscuits, washed down with Puglian red wine.
    I Terraross said on social media "we are grateful to the queen Madonna for giving us a chance to take part in her family sphere with our sincere and simple music".
    Madonna said she was "tired but very happy" after her son Rocco gave her a piggy-back ride home to their luxury resort at Savelletri.
    She celebrated her birthday on August 16 in the resort and on the next day toured the historic centre of Lecce on foot to the surprise of tourists and residents.


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